Nous rencontrions aujourd’hui, dans le cadre de notre prochaine édition, Robert Assaf, un natif de la Nouvelle-Orléans qui a vécu durement Katrina de Paris. Une partie de sa famille était sur place lors de la catastrophe. Séquence.
Merci à ceux d’entre vous qui nous ont suggéré des contacts en Louisiane.
Nous restons ouverts à toutes les suggestions de lieux à visiter ou de personnes à rencontrer.
La suite, très vite.
I just watched your interview with Robert Assaf. He told you about his parents. His father still not being back in his home. His mother is more or less « home ». What he didn’t tell you, because the wound is nowhere near being healed and probably never will be…. Robert’s best and oldest friend a doctor died caring for the victims of Katrina.
I imagine to people you meet will be, like Robert, only able to tell you a small part of their story. The rest of their »iceberg » is still submerged.